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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

What funny habits and rituals we humans have created. New Year's Even is just one of them. Why and how and when did we pick January 1 as the beginning of a New Year? Truth is, tomorrow is just another day in the earth's life - she cares not one whit what sorts of artificial time conventions we have created.

But we humans like to mark the cycles - and so it goes. The start of a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year.

It is the habit of media pundits to look back on the old and predict the new. It is the habit of most people to make resolutions - quickly broken of course. That's why I don't make any other than to continue being the best me I can be.

My friends and I create a word for the year instead of resolutions. I can't decide on my word. Is it "happiness?" Or is it "celebrate?"

Looking back - and after all I work in the media so I may as well look back - the big story of the year is Occupy. We the people have woken up. We have begun.

My prediction? Occupy will be the major force in the world this year.

And that is cause to celebrate.

Yup - guess my word for 2012 is celebrate.

Friday, December 30, 2011


I attended a wedding last night. Needless to say it was wonderful.

I love weddings. I also love births. These are occasions where everyone is happy. The room is full of love and optimism and hope for the future. How could you not be happy at a wedding?

The hall was gorgeous, the couple (he especially) choked up with emotions when they said their vows. They both had to mop their faces more than once and once she even dabbed his eyes for him. Sweet!

Catering was by 24 Carrot Catering so it also goes without saying that the food was excellent!

So - it's a good day. I had an exciting interview and story to write this morning. The sun is shining. Every single detail that I needed to take care of this week is done.

Life is good.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


It's a day to celebrate.

For many reasons - but let's start with the obvious one: my landlords' oldest daughter is getting married today. I am going to iron (yes iron for heaven's sake!) my dress - one of three that I own - and I'm going to put on my dancing shoes and I am going to celebrate their love, hope and optimism - and celebrate the fact that I believe they have reason to be happy, hopeful and optimistic.

There may be a struggle ahead of us, but I believe it is one we are going to win. Oh yes, let me elaborate: by "we" I mean all of us - humankind.

I am celebrating this declaration document:

because it shows what truth, beauty and justice we are capable of - and I believe this truth, beauty and justice will prevail.

Love will always triumph over evil.

I celebrate life - every breath is a celebration.

I celebrate that the length of day has increased today over yesterday and tomorrow will be another 46 seconds longer.

I celebrate the big things and the small things. I know and understand that I am blessed. And I am grateful.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

Hiked Cable Bay this morning - always a good time for random thoughts. In fact, sometimes I get so deeply involved in thought that I find myself hiking on a completely unintentional path.

And that's good too.

I thought more about the contributions I want to make in life. Some are small - more volunteering at care facilities next year. Some bigger - becoming a contributing writer with the Occupy movement.

Some very small - loving my dog. Some bigger - doing my best to forgive and love everyone. Some very large - trying in any way I can to make this world a better place.

It starts with my thoughts.

I am an activist - actively looking for ways to make a contribution.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

False Security

"Those who would give up their liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both." -Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes I fear we may have already lost both. The American police have spent $34 Billion since 9/11 on what amounts to combat gear. We have seen what they did to peaceful protestors - and now the congress has passed the defense act that allows them to arrest any US citizen for any reason and detain them indefinitely without charge.

In Oxford England every cab is having cameras and surveillance equipment installed. Cameras are begin installed in public places at an alarming rate. And now the governments of so-called "free" countries want to spy on the Internet - on all our communications.

I remember when I was a science fiction buff in my early 20s and I would read stories about Big Brother societies and think smugly that it could never happen here. Big Brother is here and now - today. And we have allowed it to happen.

Everything Hitler did was legal. Never again can we ask how did the Germans allow him to happen. We are allowing something very similar right now. It happens one small step at a time.

I watched the movie Thrive yesterday. You can see the two hour feature free on Vimeo. I strongly urge everyone to see this - and then to think carefully. And then - to act in any way they can.

I was left breathless by the Torus and the matrix - I have been drawing these shapes since I was a child - very young. I recognize them. And I know I have memories of these shapes - especially the Torus - from some past forgotten time. The memory is very elusive. I'll find it eventually.

There is hope and it lies with us. But we cannot - CANNOT - sit back and think it doesn't matter. It does matter that Harper is building more jails - ask yourself, who does he plan to put in them? Who did the Germans think was going to be put in concentration camps? It matters that millions and billions are begin spent on fighter jets while transfers to provinces for health care are being cut. Why are we buying fighter jets? For fun?

We are the 99 percent.

But our power only means something if we wield it. Peacefully.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

I not only survived the Boxing Day sales, I got in and out like an expert - and got the deals!

First stop - Chapters. Among the four tomes (yes, big enough to be called tomes) I purchased was the Penguin History of Canada. Curious that I bought it but I came down with a sudden and uncontrollable urge to re-read the history I have not touched since high school. I'm sure I'll learn something and learning, for me, is the point.

Got my Wedding gift shopping done too - at two for the price of one! Whoopee - so I bought twice as much.

Came home and sat in front of my computer to find that my mouse was working very erratically. Was managing to just get by and then gave up. Rebooted the computer and Hallelujah! The mouse is fine.

Don't you simply adore it when that happens? Ah, yes, the simple things that can positively make my day.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

I'm getting my second wind.

Spending the entire day at Travelers Lodge and Dufferin Place is far more exhausting than I would have thought. But so worthwhile and good.

A perfect way to spend Christmas. No matter how small a difference we made, I know we made a difference. From my personal perspective, I had the smallest role to play - Ed, Bill, Barbara - musicians and singers - wow! What a contribution. My Abby connected strongly with at least two real dog lovers - and that, I believe made my presence worthwhile. Who knew she would be such a great "therapy" dog!

A few photos for your enjoyment:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Child's Christmas in Germany

Hiking the Westwood Ridges this morning - thoughts turned to Christmas Eves a long time ago.

If I had to use only one word to describe Christmas when I was a young child, it would have to be "magic."

In the late 1940s in Germany Christmas was not the highly commercialized affair it is now. Even if we had wanted to shop 'til we dropped, we couldn't have - no one had anything - certainly not money. And yet, I recall those Christmases as the best of my life.

To this day I have no idea how my parents managed to make it so special for my brothers and I. My grandmother and mother must have hoarded food stamps for months to be able to buy the flour and butter that went into Christmas cookies and Stollen. And then they must have spent hours of secret time while we were sleeping making amazing toys - a doll's house, wooden cars and trucks - and so on.

Excitement built for weeks as the apartment began to take on the delicious aromas of cookies baking. And then on the morning and afternoon of the 24th we were banished from the living room. We heard noises and bangings and rustlings and all sorts of intriguing sounds coming from the forbidden room. And then, it grew dark and, at long last, we heard the strains of my grandfather's violin playing the children's Christmas carol, "Ihr Kinderlein Kommet." (Come Children.)

Then we gently pushed open the door and gaped at the transformation. There stood a huge fir tree lit with candles and hung with shiny decorations! Around the tree was an array of gifts and on little tables were plates for everyone - plates of cookies and nuts and fruit. All of it had appeared as if by magic. And not once did we fall all over these gifts shrieking - oh no - we were too much in awe. We approached the room with great reverence and one by one recited a Christmas verse we had memorized. Then, with much applause from the adults we approached our glorious toys and played with them in rapt amazement for the rest of the evening - pausing only occasionally to taste some great delicacy on our "Bunte Teller" - now there's an evening I'd like to revisit on a time machine.

I hope everyone can feel one small piece of magic tonight.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Recipe for Happiness

I was thinking about happiness. An apt subject at a time of year when retailers are actively selling happiness. Buy the latest (insert material object of choice) and you will be happy!

What is happiness might be the obvious question at this point - but I don't think so. Everyone knows when they are happy. It's like love - hard to define but you certainly know when you are "in" it.

Many years ago I worked on my unique definition of success. Today I worked on another recipe: my recipe for happiness.

I believe happiness is as individual as the person - and for every person's "happiness cake" the ingredients are different. Even when they are almost the same, the proportions vary. If I think of myself a product on the shelf of a grocery store, the product would be called "Happy Goody" and the list of ingredients would be:

Beautiful, sacred nature. Hiking in the majestic mountain landscapes of this planet. A close proximity to the ocean and beaches that stretch and curl away into the distance. Time to absorb this beauty. The constant love and companionship of my dog. Vibrant health, strength and fitness - the endurance to be on the trail all day and the letting go at the end of the day - the contentment of physical tiredness. The excitement of travel - of the open road. New experiences, new landscapes, new vistas to explore. Creativity in all things, particularly in writing and film. Books, not only for the glory of aural art but for their ability to transport me to other worlds and to introduce new ideas. Ideas - to be put in situations where my ideas catch fire and flow. The companionship of good friends. Summer sun and warmth and days seemingly without end. Anticipation and expectation of new days and the surprises they bring. New challenges to overcome. Learning - constant learning about any subject under the sun. Happiness is also dark chocolate, hot bubble baths, a plush bed and satiny sheets - playing games, giving to others, sharing others' happiness and making a difference, no matter how small, in people's lives. Happiness is a job well done and curling up in the warm cocoon of my home at the end of the day.

And so I know that I am responsible for my own happiness. When I am conscious of what makes me happy, I can create happiness consciously. I am not moved to sorrow or happiness by the "whim of fate." As with everything in life, the more conscious we are, the better we are able to live life and to create fulfillment.

I know there are times, possibly when it's cold out or raining or just when I wake up feeling plain lazy that I may not want to go out and hike up Mount Benson or Maple Mountain or the Ridges - but I do it anyway and a few minutes into it I feel my spirit soar (yes, like an eagle) and that's what it takes - a conscious commitment to creating happiness every day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Some things I admit I will never understand - not fully anyway. Off the top of my head I'd put Einstein's theory of relativity on the list -  and also rude people.

I've probably sounded off about this before - but I just have to let some more steam off. Today I had an appointment to do a telephone interview - and the person knows I have a tight deadline. I call - no answer. I call again. He picks up the phone and says he is in a meeting. He will call me back in 10 minutes. Thirty minutes later I call him back - he's not there or not answering his phone.

I leave a message saying I will put together a piece from info I can glean on various web sites and I will send it to him for changes and/or approval. Now - almost three hours later, still not a word. We go to press tomorrow.

I don't get it. Is this person just habitually rude?

I can't imagine treating anyone like this. And you see, here's the big deal for him. What I know - and I think most people do - is that the way I do one thing is the way I do everything. This guy works for a very large company with a huge reputation to uphold. Would I recommend this company to anyone?

Not a chance!

I'd love to know what makes people behave like this. If anyone has a clue, I'd love to hear from you.

And thanks - I feel much better.

I feel better for other reasons too: it's my last day of working for a while. I got a great surprise Christmas gift today and I have lovely hikes and volunteer work planned for the next few days. Life is very very good.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Work is good

It's been a busy week. With all three newspapers sharing an end-of-week deadline, the "last minute" stories have been piling in. And truthfully, I don't mind it one bit.

I like freelancing. I am far more motivated to work. And the amount of work I am doing is just about right. I could happily go at this pace for another 10-20 years. I don't think I've ever been more content about my work.

Knowing me, I suspect I'd get bored very quickly with a total and complete plunge into retirement. This is perfect. I finish the work week tomorrow afternoon and then I'll probably not work again for a week to ten days. Life is good. I'll be hiking on Saturday, volunteering on Sunday and doing my one store on Boxing Day - Chapters.

Celebrating today - the winter solstice. Tomorrow is one second longer than today. The excitement of a new season, a new year and a new future begins!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The holidays are coming

Only two more days - no, you're probably saying - that's wrong! It's only the 20th today! It's five more days.

But then, I'm not talking about Christmas - I'm talking about the turnaround of the days. In two days the length of daylight increases - by as much as an entire second!

As for Christmas, I think I'm all set. This year, it appears that I will be joining good friend BR and some other folks in entertaining and photographing people in assisted living facilities.

That seems like a very good way to spend my time. I will load Abby into the car and let her out when and where I can.

I've done my giving of money - giving of time is possibly even more valuable.

Monday, December 19, 2011

working day

This is turning out to be one of those days that I will feel really good about when it's over. I've already written two stories. I will do another before lunch and one more after lunch. Recycling is at the kerb - laundry is doing - dog is already walked. Yep - I'm gittin' 'er done!

And so that will explain why this is a short blog today.

Tomorrow will be 10 seconds shorter that today.

The day after only 2 seconds shorter.

And then - YES! - the big turnaround.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Roasting and Toasting

Wonderful roast (and toast) for Angus last night.

I hope he enjoyed it a tenth as much as everyone else seemed to. Judging by the laughter - which was ear-splitting for the most part - a good time was had by all.

But I think I'll just let the photos do the talking.

David Gogo showed up - man, that boy has talent!

A triumvirate of Excellence Seminars leaders.

An appreciative audience

Hi jinx on stage

Angus is the winner of this year's Blue Star award - can't think of a more deserving recipient. Interesting - this is the only photo of the night that caught him smiling.

What a night!

Love to you, bro.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


While everyone else is scrambling around getting their Christmas baking done, I just finished another batch of my special "hiking lunch" or "road trip lunch" cookies.

These have been adapted from a breakfast cookie I fell in love with from the now defunct Spelt Bakery in East Vancouver (motto - how's that spelt?), a nursing recipe cookie on the Internet, a friend's hints and my own experimentation.

The finished product is not a pretty sight but boy are they good and they pack a walloping powerhouse of energy and nutrition - the perfect pick-me-up after four hours of hiking - or five hours on the road.

Ingredients are all organic and include spelt flour, canola oil, almond butter, eggs, nuts, coconut flakes, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, quiona flakes, raisins and the kitchen sink - ok, not the last one but still - I probably left something out.

So now my kitchen smells good and I have my lunch all set for tomorrow's hike. We plan to head down to Shawnigan Lake and pick up the TC trail at the Kinsol trestle. I guess we'll just hike all day until it gets dark. That sounds like a plan. Photos to come.

Friday, December 16, 2011


It's 4.30 p.m. and the most intriguing sunset is occurring outside my window. I have photographed spectacular sunsets in the past - all orange and red skies. This one is different and probably fitting for December: pink-tinged gray, softest violet and a soft pearlescence - beautiful!

That brings me to the exciting news that in five days the days will get longer. Yes - the 22nd will be a full second longer than the 21st. Oh joy! Yes, I do that - I count the days until we turn that winter solstice corner and then watch the seconds and minutes pile up as the days grow ever longer and, hopefully, warmer.

This has been a good week - a good amount of interesting work and a good ending with all the loose ends tied up. It's going to be a good weekend: the roast for dear Angus tomorrow and a full day hike in a new location on Sunday. Bring it all on!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

City Hall

I was going to write a letter to the editor at the Nanaimo Daily News today - happily, Philip Wolf wrote a column that pretty well said everything I wanted to say - and he said it very well.

Still, I feel a strong need to rant - so here it comes.

The bureaucrats at City Hall want to hire another accountant (the top 3 positions are already held by CAs) at a cost to the taxpayer of $150,000 (not counting benefits, new computers, support staff etc.) as an internal auditor!


Taxes are going up again for the umpteenth year in a row and they want to spend even more money on a position that is not going to benefit anyone expect perhaps the staff. The province recently announced that it had put a municipal auditor in place - so why do we need one? For an end run? Are the bureaucrats trying to tell me that someone paid by City Hall is going to "out" City Hall if it sees inefficiencies - maybe even surplus personnel? I don't think so. This is like the RCMP investigating its own staff.

Let's have a core review by an outside agency. Let's see where the taxpayer can save money rather than spend even more. Let's have an outside auditor look at the books.

But in all of this, here's one thing that totally blows me away: all but three council agreed to this new position! Come on, mayor and council! Think! Use your minds for a change. It often occurs to me that the only job of mayor and council is to look at proposals handed to it by city staff and nod and say, "Yes sir. A shiny new building for $16 Million? Of course - why should you have to work in a renovated one? More staff - staff that will protect your sorry asses? Of course. Here you go - it's only taxpayers' money after all."

We don't need another accountant. We need to trim the fat.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

back to normal?

Life chez moi is back to normal - whatever normal might be. This means that Ocean has gone home - and Abby is moping because having a friend come to stay was just sooo much fun.

Of course, she's not the one who has to go around picking up mangled bits of toys and clean up muddy footprints and gather up bits of wooly fur and thousands of shed hairs.

But I love Ocean and she's welcome any time. Meanwhile, J came over during the chaos this morning to practice speaking without notes - good practice for getting beyond distractions.

Good work today - still more to do. Great day as a matter of fact. The only downside is that I discovered just now that our annual office Christmas party is on the same day that I already have a dinner booked. I really hate to miss it.

But I will miss it and there's nothing to be done about that. Guess I'll just have to suck it up.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Play Dates

Yes - this photo is from the last time Abby's BFF, Ocean came over for a play date/sleepover - I am now waiting for Ocean to arrive for another of those dates. In other words, I am girding my loins.

I plan to take them for a run as soon as Ocean arrives. Then I will put them on the deck for an hour with marrow bones. Then I hope they are ready for a short nap (ha!!). Then I plan on a 90 minute walk in the park in hopes of tiring them out just a bit before my telephone interview and at least an hour's worth of work.

Yes - they are active. Yes, they like to play together and yes, I have to give up the idea of any sort of order in the house, especially the idea of throw rugs staying in their rightful places.

Tomorrow I repeat the process.

It's a jolly good thing I love Ocean and that Ocean really, really likes being here.

It's going to be a busy week.

I am thrilled that I finished all my Christmas shopping today - online and it all aids a non-profit that is local and that I feel really really good about.

So - everything I have done this season I have done for charity, whether in my name or someone else's. And I kind of think that maybe this is the way it should be. If I really want to occupy this season, I am going to occupy Christmas - keep it local and keep it away from the accumulation of more stuff.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Yes of course I like work - and I will be working for many years yet. I like my work now more than I ever have. I do less of it - I like that. But I also like that I choose what I do and that the stories I do are overwhelmingly positive.

Even though I know that we are on a trip (and why on earth am I in this hand basket?) I still don't have to "buy into" the doom and gloom. Yes, we have to tell the truth and the truth is not pleasant right now in many ways. But I also believe that the way to change things is to focus on what's right and build on that.

What is right is that there are many beautiful and caring, smart and wonderful people in this world. By uniting and supporting each other we will effect change for the better.

We live on an extraordinary planet. By understanding and respecting that we will do everything we can to preserve and enhance the beauty we live in.

There are only two emotions we have to concern ourselves with: fear and love. I see our governments operating from a place of fear and trying to instill fear in us. If they do that, the bad guys win. We must love - no matter what, we must approach life every day with a soft and open heart.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I could write about my concerns about our increasing facist/police state and the state of the economy...

Or I could write about the beautiful sunny day - I think I shall do the latter.

Lovely surprise this morning. As I was driving to Yellow Point Park to walk with Abby, my friend, J called "Do you want to walk?" So I parked at the park and waited for her and her dog to arrive and fifteen minutes later we were hiking. So much more fun than going alone, especially so much more fun with the dogs.

I never get bored while I'm waiting either - not as long as I have my iPhone and access to ring tones. I know - I could just play Angry Birds like normal people do but no, I find it more fun to listen to hundreds of possibilities for new ring tones and then downloading one or two new ones. It really takes so little to keep me amused.

And yes, I do have a new ring tone now - a particularly clever one in my humble opinion.

My back is better - much better. I am actually walking fully upright. Exercise (again in my humble opinion) is the cure for almost everything - that and chocolate.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The big ouch has subsided to a do-able ow.

My secret recipe for back pain relief is the exact opposite of what all the medical experts tell you - drugs and bed rest. Sure - do that if you want days and weeks of pain. My secret is no drugs and move as much as possible.

Oh sure, when I set out on my hike this morning it wasn't what I would call comfortable and I probably looked a bit odd bent over and teetering along like a doddering old lady of 95. But within 20 minutes I was walking upright at my normal pace and the pain had subsided into just enough of a twinge to let me know it was there and to stop me from doing anything stupid that would hurt me more.

And this is where I appreciate pain - it lets me know the boundaries of what I can and cannot do to aid my healing. Painkillers will numb those boundaries and I could very well make a movement that will jeopardize healing.

When I got back to my car three hours later I was feeling fine. And I'm going to go out again in an hour and move some more. I don't want my back to stiffen.

Being outside and moving - what I call my "moving meditation" is as necessary to me as breathing. It tends to put everything in perspective. As I said to Abby as we were walking. "You know, right now there are thousands of people fighting their way through overcrowded malls spending money they don't have on things people probably don't need or want. And here we are, hiking in this lovely forest. Aren't we just the most fortunate two beings on the planet?

Friday, December 9, 2011



I just put my back out. So not fun!

I wish I knew how but I wasn't even doing anything - walked down the hall and bang, I was on my knees.

I haven't put my back out in about two years, which is really very good. But darnitall, I want to never ever put it out again. It's just so damn incapacitating and incredibly painful and inconvenient.

Okay - yes, I have now finished whining and I will get on with my life, counting my blessings, thinking of those even less fortunate and other such bullsh*t.

I remember once, maybe 20 years ago when I had put out my back so badly I couldn't even begin to stand upright - I had planned a hike up Mount Seymour - did it anyway.

That was when I was younger. So, now that I am older and supposedly wiser, I shall consider my planned hike on the Extension Ridges tomorrow morning. Yup - I'm going anyway.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I am increasingly disturbed by what is going on in our world. I pray that the occupy movement really and genuinely takes root and that it wins.

Just this week alone - the US Senate passed a bill with a vote of 93-7 to allow any American Citizen to be taken into custody by the military and held indefinitely without trial if he/she is suspected of being a terrorist. And what does he or she have to do to be suspected? Have a cache of bombs in his basement? Sure - but a supply of more than 7 days of food will do.

The Egyptian military has declared that it will decide what the new constitution will be - and it will not relinquish its control.

Canada has signed a security pact with the US that will allow its police to operate in our country.

The Pentagon is actively arming and militarizing the police.

I could go on. It all adds up to a facist state.

We are now living in a facist country. Did you know that when Diefenbaker and Pearson were prime ministers there was one press person in Parliament who handled communications? Today there are 1,500 who massage what we read and hear.

We have to revolt.  The definition of facism is when the state and corporation go to bed together. This is facism. Obama is in bed with Goldman Sachs and Harper is in bed with the oil companies.

We have to occupy our country.

And we must not give up - not give up hope and not give up our freedom.

My mother has told me her story of being a young woman in Hitler's Germany - Everything was perfectly fine at first - and then one tiny right after another was stripped away - so gradually that it was hard to notice until suddenly it was too late.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Writing again

Good - I picked up where I left off with my book before I got completely sidetracked by the recent municipal election. I wish I had more patience but I don't I can't seem to write more than two pages before I need to stop and take a break. Of course, if I do two pages in the morning and two in the afternoon, that would be four a day and that's not awful.

I have the same problem when I'm reading - I can't read more than two chapters at a time before I have to take a break. You've heard of restless leg syndrome? I think I have restless body syndrome.

I have two choices - I can accept it and deal with it or I can attempt to change it.

Acceptance certainly seems the easier path.

I just have to stop believing that I "should" be able to sit still for longer periods of time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

To-do list

I feel like I should have a big to-do list. Yes, I know I accomplished all sorts of things recently, but still - here I am with most of the week completely free. I "should" be writing my new book and while I'm not doing that, I "should" be getting my strong all -purpose cleaner out and scrubbing the areas of the house that normally don't get a lot of attention - and trust me, there are quite a few of those places.

What am I doing instead? Took Abby for a long walk at Jack Point, where she rolled in something really stinky so she is banished to the deck with a big old marrow bone.

Now I'm thinking about checking out the new movie releases on iTunes - and maybe googling X Factor USA for the latest updates and gossip.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Stress-free work

Here's another nice thing about being semi-retired. When the appointment I made for an interview falls through, I don't mind nearly as much as I used to.

Used to be I'd have three or four telephone interviews set up each day and if someone was a "no-show" it pretty much threw my schedule out of kilter. Today I had a no-show and just calmly and happily re-scheduled for the afternoon. No big deal because I have only one interview today - and, so far, none for the rest of the week. Ah stress-free bliss!

I read an article this morning outlining the seven things we can do to keep our brains functioning well into old age - the key being keeping the connections between different parts of our brains in good shape.

I have six out of seven going strong: exercise, low-stress, friends - etc. etc. The one thing they mentioned that I shudder at is taking estrogen. I mean really, when will the drug companies stop trying to foist this stuff on us telling us it's good for something - without, of course, mentioning all the harm it does?

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I've been musing about significance these past few days.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they ask themselves, "What's it all about? Why am I here? What can I contribute? What legacy will I leave?"

There also comes a time when we ask ourselves, "Is that it? Have I left my mark? Have I left no mark at all? What was the purpose of this life?"

We aren't all Steve Jobs or Albert Einstein or Mother Theresa. We won't all be a famous movie star, author, painter or humanitarian. Heck, most of us won't even get our 15 minutes like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian who, I believe, are famous for being famous.

Oddly enough, I don't have the tiniest regret about not achieving more. Of course, there's always the possibility of future accomplishments, but that's not the point. I think the point is to live your life - to live it fully and richly - whatever that life might be. Chasing after fame and fortune is futile. So is chasing after love or happiness.

I think fulfillment comes from being conscious - from having awareness of your life. I don't mean that you have to fully understand yourself and I'm not even sure that it's possible. I mean to be able to wake up in the morning and be aware of the life that pulses through you and understand that it is a miracle and a gift. Awareness means to love your life exactly as it is and to know that embracing that life with all your heart and soul is the contribution - that is the significance of your life.

When you live a life of love and joy it changes everything - maybe even the course of history - or only one small life. It doesn't matter. Merely to be alive is significant. It is an accomplishment. It is a blessing.

Each one of us is important - immeasurably so.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Maple Mountain

It doesn't matter the season. I have hiked Maple Mountain in all weather and at every time of year and it never ceases to enthrall me. I've also hiked every one of its trails and I love them all - well, maybe except for the orange trail, which requires some arduous bushwacking for a good 30 minutes through thistles the size of giant redwoods.

Why do I love Maple Mountain? Well, check out the picture - worth a thousand words as they say.

Today we started at Osborne Bay Road and hiked over the top coming back on the blue trail. Great hike. Great dark chocolate in the car afterwards - great bubble bath after I got home. Does a Saturday get any more perfect than that?

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Little Things

Sometimes it's the little things that mean everything. Today I handled one more item on my list of "things to do."

I filled my trunk with glass bottles and jars, a broken blender, a very old fax machine, an inoperable battery backup, a non-functioning D-Link, a broken salad spinner etc. and drove everything to the recycling exchange where all items will see new life again.

The Recycling Exchange isn't a place I visit frequently - probably no more than once a year. It isn't the most esthetically pleasing place to hang around. In fact, I'm always a tad apprehensive that there'll be something on the pitted pavement that will puncture a tire or something on the muddy ground I don't want to step in.

But every time I go there and leave, I feel really good about myself. I like recycling. I like that I don't add all this junk to the landfill. I really love the fact that every time I go there it's a very busy place. Lots of other folks feel like me - and that's a good thing.

I put out my garbage once every two weeks and it usually consists of one small kitchen catcher, mostly full of plastic wrapping that comes around loaves of bread and other foodstuffs. I wish there was something I could do with the styrofoam trays meat is placed on before being wrapped - that has to go in the garbage. I also wish companies would stop using so darn much wrapping, especially the stuff that is hermetically sealed - mostly used for small electronics - that you can't puncture with a jackhammer. All that wastefull packaging for one tiny item. Afraid of people stealing you say? - Well, for heaven's sakes, put it behind a counter then! Sheesh!

And please, when people shop for organic produce, it usually means they're a bit aware of waste and so on, so why is it that organic produce always comes with the most packaging? At the grocery store yesterday, why can I only buy organic bananas in groups of six and why are their tops wrapped in plastic film? Why can I only buy organic avocados in pairs packaged in net bags? Why do my organic tomatoes come pre-packaged in plastic bags when regular tomatoes do not?

All I'm saying is - there's too much waste - let's get minimal okay?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Babies and puppies

Okay - there aren't a whole lot of things cuter than puppies (as this picture of Abby at eight weeks old will attest) but babies sure do run neck and neck.

I had the great joy this morning of catching my first glimpse of M & C's new baby - I think he is now three (four?) days old. And while it's true that most newborns aren't all too pretty, this one is gorgeous! That, of course, is because he looks like his mother.

Naturally, he cried when his mother placed him in my arms and he went right back to contented sleeping as soon as I gave him back. But then, as I said at the time, I would cry too if I was holding me.

Seriously he is unspeakably beautiful. His perfect little fingers and toes leave me awestruck! So glad I'm his honorary Oma. New mom and dad, baby and big hairy (adorable) dog are nestled in their little family cave. It's a shame they ever have to come out.

I'm also surprised that the happiness vibes of that little house haven't yet enveloped the entire city - or maybe they have. Have you noticed that you've been feeling more love and joy in the last few days?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

excellent day

Yes, this has been a brilliant day's work. That old saying of wanting to get something done, give it to a busy man - so true.

As a work colleague said today, "You are a writing machine!"

So just to cap off my day, I am tearing through my blog post. After this I can lean back in my chair, heave a contented sigh and know that I deserve to be lazy for the rest of the evening. Lazy means facebook, twitter, a few news sites, the comedy channel and then a good book. Yup - it's a good life.

As I was walking with Abby today I took time to reflect on my life. It's not just good - it's sensational! And it seems to get better every day. This retirement gig is good stuff. So is fully embracing and loving what you have - adoring your life exactly as it is.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enough Already!

There are days when I honestly think I can't take it any more.

Even when I just skim through the headlines - they make my heart ache.

I want to hear and read different things. I want to read about lives that were saved, about animals that are well cared for, about people who help other people in need, about the rich giving to the poor, about the downtrodden getting a hand up, about rains falling on the parched desserts, about real democracy being enacted, about natural foods being grown by farmers and sold at a reasonable price, about the cost of living going down, about governments caring first and foremost for the people of their country.

Is it too much to ask?

Today M and C had their first baby - a beautiful new life in the world and I pray that he grows up to have a beautiful life in a beautiful world. Several years ago I interviewed Robert Bateman for a book I was writing and I remember one thing he said above all. He was talking about his travels in Africa and said how lucky he was to have lived in a world where you could still see and wonder at its beauty.

I hope we have not entirely lost that.

I hope we never will. But if we are to keep the beauty and wonder that we have, we shall have to work for it and fight for it. We shall have to fight against corporate greed. Perhaps, most of all, we shall have to fight against our own apathy and avarice.

We must change the way we live. We must stop worshipping the gods of "stuff." Let us love one another instead - one another and this precious planet we live on.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunny Monday

There's something wonderful about sitting in front of my computer on a Monday morning, gazing out the window just to my left, and seeing the fields below me flooded with sunshine.

And, just to add spice to my morning viewing, the garbage men picking up the garbage (what else) and heaving it mightily into their truck.

Yup, the excitement in the country here never ends.

I have a bit more work to do this afternoon and then I'm done for the day. Next week I'm going to sort out my charity giving for the Christmas season. I suspect that the SPCA will get the bulk of my donations but I also like to have cash on hand for Sally Ann kettles. We'll see. I'm indulging in a new pleasure - watching money being popped into my bank account on the 28th of every month by the government. It may not be much but it's way better than a kick in the pants. And with my modest lifestyle, it does me very well indeed.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

black Friday

I am completely appalled by the news I've been reading and seeing from the US. Black Friday. Yes it is black. It's as black as black can be when people shove, poke, trample and pepper spray each other for the sake of a few dollars off a wide screen TV or some other new tech toy.

What have we come to?

Let's start at the beginning. Christmas was created as a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. I want to know if the people standing in line waiting for the Best Buy doors to open ask themselves "What would Christ do?" I suspect the answer would not be pepper spray anyone who tries to grab what I want to snag.

Jesus - remember him? He's the guy who overturned the money lenders' tables.

He should drop in again some day. I wonder what his take would be on today's money lenders - and the wealth of the churches set up in his name.

At any rate, we know that Christmas as been co-opted by big business in the most obscene possible ways - as has everything else in the world - like food and water and housing.

It's time to Occupy Christmas! How to do that? We need to step back and look at the true meaning of the holiday. It's about love and peace and giving thanks - and giving to those in need. It's about opening our hearts.

If we must shop, let's do it in a small way. Let's shop locally. And let's stop! Look around you - do you really need more stuff? Some people have so much stuff they have to rent storage units to contain it all. They never see their stuff but they sure as hell have to have it! We buy big McMansions to house our stuff - we go into massive debt so we can have stuff.

Please - let's get off this crazy roller coaster. The only reason we keep buying more stuff, especially at Christmas, is because big business spends a lot of money on advertising telling us we have to have this stuff. And then, recently, when people started going public with the idea of not buying more stuff, retailers called them un-patriotic - they were going to kill our economy. I beg to differ. It is the big retailers who killed our economy by shipping our well paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

I would also propose that an economy based on an endless round of buying more stuff is unsustainable - the s**t is already hitting the fan.

I won't be joining the fray this year. I have opted out for several years now and I will continue to do so. I will do my best to be part of the solution - not the problem.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wet and Windy

Well, it wasn't a full-on hike today, but it was a two hour walk around Cable Bay and it was wet! Really wet!

I was wishing I had a wood-burning stove or fireplace to cuddle up to when I got home. No such luck. But I do have lunch and the Daily News to look forward to.

This is a ritual I absolutely adore. My lunch (the usual - tomato and avocado on rye) while I read the Daily News cover to cover - starting at the back with bridge and comics, then progressing to the editorial page and then the front cover.. What I don't get to over lunch, I save for the next morning.

Then a nap after lunch - which has to be on the couch, never in bed - and then chocolate after lunch - dark, organic and free trade.

I know this sounds quirky (or just plain obsessive) but we all have our strange ways of being and humans, like dogs, are creatures who love habits. Maybe that's why humans and dogs have had such strong bonds for so long. We have our morning routines and our bedtime routines and even our computer routines.

I rotate my clothing, especially my underwear and socks so that everything gets an equal amount of wear. I even rotate my towels. I know - too much information.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Water for Cruise Ships

Should we sell water to cruise ships?

Sure why not?

But - yes, there is a but.

What I don't like is the reason we're selling it. Just like the 10-year no hotel tax idea, this water for cruise ships is all about attracting the ships to come here. Oh really! I'm all for giving them water if the reason is because they dock here - that they dock here because this is a great city full of attractions that tourists are eager to see.

The way this mayor, council and city are selling this city is disgraceful. The message I keep hearing is, we have to have a fire sale of the city because there's really no other way of luring people to come here. It's like Nanaimo is the ultimate Edsel - we can; hardly give it away.

I'd rather sell Nanaimo like it was the ultimate plug-in hybrid. And if it's not, then let's make it that! Anyone who has ever been in sales knows that it's easy to sell something that's gorgeous, efficient, beautiful and practical - the iPhone or iPad for instance. Heck, you don't have to sell those items - you just stand behind the counter and rake in the money.

An HP tablet on the other hand? I wouldn't want to flog it, would you?

So can we please get out of the HP mindset and convert to iPad thinking? How do we do that? First, stop selling Nanaimo like it's a dud. And then look around and tell the truth. What do we have that will make people beat a path to our door? Take inventory and then build on it like mad. We have a great downtown. We have Mount Benson - let's build a tram, a restaurant on top and fabulous mountain biking all the way down. A bridge to Newcastle Island. Get rid of waterfront industry - send it to Duke Point. Convert that waterfront land - what a place for a multiplex, retail and condos.

Those are just a small handful of ideas - other great ideas abound. But we have to attract people. Make no mistake, we are selling Nanaimo - to tourists, investors, business people and residents. Right now the way we are going about it sucks. I wouldn't buy.

We need some serious vision to make this a happening place. I don't know why Nanaimo has such a history of doing things backwards. Build a conference centre - build a hotel - now, let's try to get people to come here. That's just plain nuts!

Build the demand for the city and private investors will jump all over it - they'll invest.

Back to water for cruise ships. We have tons of water. Anyone who has been outside or near a window in the last few days can attest to that. And yet we have water restrictions in the summer? Maybe someone should have a look at how to capture some of our winter abundance. And let's not sell water that we don't have - that is, not at the expense of the residents.