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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Gratitude #9

Today I celebrate the art of walking - well actually - hiking. Just imagine - I can hike!

I am capable of putting one foot in front of the other for hours at a time - with something heavy strapped to my back - going uphill, climbing over rocks and tree roots and sometimes even more challenging obstacles - cliffs, fallen trees, etc. etc.

I often take this everyday skill for granted - but most often I don't. I know I am fortunate that I can do this and that I love doing it. My ability to walk takes me to places and things I could never see otherwise - glades of dappled sun in the middle of a forest, hidden waterfalls, magnificent old trees, patches of wildflowers - I love it all. I love the far-away views of snow capped mountains and the ever present ocean.

Today we did a simple hike at the Extension Ridges - simple but beautiful. Tomorrow Abby and I will do an all-day hike on Maple Mountain - something a bit more challenging, but definitely one of the prettiest hikes south of Strathcona Park.

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