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Friday, May 11, 2012

Gratitude #14

I have a love/hate relationship with the concept of patience. That said, I'm grateful that I seem to be developing a greater capacity for patience of late.

The hate part of this relationship stems from my believe that only sissies sit around and wait of things to come their way. The "right" thing to do is to go out there, go after what you want come hell, high water or taxes, and grab on to the prize with both hands. Waiting just means that the rest of the pack is sprinting past you.

On the other hand I have long appreciated the benefits of patience in the line-up to board the ferry, when waiting for a light to change, trying to get across the border on a busy weekend and standing in line - any line from grocery store checkouts to the rock concert turnstile.

Today I am finding myself feeling surprisingly patient about all the calls that have not been returned and about the interview that was supposed to happen at nine this morning but whose subject has gone AWOL.

I didn't even have to take a deep breath. I didn't have to calm myself down. What I have come to realize is that once I have done everything in my power to make happen what I want, then patience is a great virtue indeed.

I've done my bit, dear Universe - your turn...

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