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Monday, May 7, 2012

Gratitude #11

I am grateful for sunshine - possibly more people on the West Coast feel that way because we do without it for so much of the year.

But yesterday it burst through the clouds and today is a day washed in sunlight.

I love the way sun feels on my skin and how its warmth penetrates my clothing. When the sun begins to work its magic it sends shivers right through me. I have had occasion to feel like slug when I have sat in the heat of the sun. Sun calms, soothes, heals - I can almost hear the Vitamin D factory cranking up.

The sun is our most vital ball of energy. It's hard to believe that we are destroying the earth to get at fossil fuels to give us energy when all the energy we could ever possibly want is free and its pouring down from the sky.

Sun - what a blessing - no wonder ancient people worshipped sun gods.

I love working in the garden under the heat of the sun. And that is what I am going to do right now. The blueberries need weeding - and that's as good an excuse as any to get out in the sunshine.

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