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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shy of a perfect day

It woulda, coulda, shoulda been a perfect day. After all, I have freedom and security - imagine that: both in one shot! I have a grand life, a wonderful dog, great memories from my most recent trip and even a winter trip to Costa Rica that I am contemplating with some seriousness.

I have no relationships to worry my head about. And I have a new writing project noodling away in my brain. In other words - life is perfect - right?

You'd be wrong. Why? Because, gentle reader, I have a f&*%ed up irrigation system I am still dealing with. Of yes - same old irrigation system. Yes, I do know that you have to turn it off to turn it on and everything was going swimmingly until yesterday when I moved the tall watering thingy that spins around and shoots out jets of water over the veggies. It has to be moved now and then and it's prongs sink into the soil and keep it in place. The trick to sinking those prongs is to stand on the base. However, with my grand weight of 102 pounds, it didn't sink quite far enough. It toppled over and by the time I found it, it had been stuck pouring water into the soil at one tiny spot for a bit.

Wisely, I set it back up and got a sledge hammer from the barn and pounded the shit out of the base to get those prongs into the ground. My pounding strength only exceeds my body weight strength by a minimal margin - but it worked. However, it seems I damaged the sprinkler head when it fell over and although it will still sprinkle it refuses to move around in a circle. This means that one ginormous zucchini plant is drowning while the beans are dying of thirst.

Who knew that irrigation could be so stressful and complicated?

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