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Friday, July 29, 2011


Abby and I are back home and I am feeling particularly blessed.

It's completely true that all the odds are heavily stacked in my favour.

Got up early and was on the road at 6.30. The border wait was 5 minutes. Got to the ferry terminal and caught the 7.45 a.m. ferry - the third or fourth last car on! So fortunate!

Got home (Abby was very happy) and turned on my computer only to discover that it was dead as a doornail. Decided it was time to buy a new one. Unplugged its millions of cords (why so many and what do they belong to?) and took it to Future Shop - on the off chance. Two (not one mind you - two) wonderful techs dropped everything they were doing and within 2 minutes diagnosed the problem as a dead power pack. Within 15 minutes they replaced it and cleaned it (it was filthy) and carried it back to my car.

I plugged my stuff back in and discovered at least 4 cords that appeared to have absolutely no function. (huh?) So now my computer is clean, less cluttered and running better than ever! Am I blessed or what?

Bought groceries and am cooking a huge ratatouille which I will serve with polenta. Ah - real food at last!

The sun is shining. My feet are bare - the door and windows are open - the laundry is done and the car is washed.

Home is a grand place to be.

Tomorrow I will catch up on my accounting etc. (I think gardening is the etc.) Although I did deposit the delightful cheques that were waiting for me.

Life is good and home is wonderful!

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