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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Skunk cabbage - more signs of spring. That plus the racket the frogs make at night and the birds make in the morning.

Today I walked Abby though a vernal tsunami of green - green water lilies poking up in the pond, green bulrush and flag iris stems vying for elbow room close to shore - green buds on the roses and alders - green grass drunk from a surfeit of rain - and lastly, green weeds elbowing out growing space amid struggling strawberry plants.

Time to get into the garden. I was hoping to do it tomorrow but alas, (or not alas as the case may be) I have more stories to write. So I suppose it will be this weekend that I make my annual pilgrimage to Buckerfields, the adored shrine of all of us in Cedar who spend half the year mucking about in gum boots. On my list are more blueberry plants because even though we proofed them against birds and deer this winter, we forgot about the rabbits. One of these years we'll win the battle and actually get a crop.

Also must get seeds - many, many packets of seeds. Time to plant lettuce, kale, chard, peas. More bean poles are on my list - Kentucky Wonder Green Pod - always the tastiest. And carrots - And let's see what else captures my fancy.

Exciting time of year.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so homesick. I love the smell of skunk cabbage. Always takes me back to my beloved childhood gully where the water bugs skated on the stream and the raccoons left tiny hand prints in the mud. Banana slugs. Dappled sunlight through green leaves. Sigh.
