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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not Much

Nope - not much happening today - a little bit of snow - a bit of walking (brrrr) - a morning spent watching The Voice (the highlight of the day so far) and really, not much else.

I deleted my Pinterest account after it was brought to my attention that the agreement I signed (which of course I didn't read - does anyone read these things?) says that I am fully liable for what I post and that any photographer can sue me for posting his or her pics.

Sounds like the old Napster. Ah yes, Napster - that was back in the days when the Internet was free and people simply shared. Napster (and its clones) were the evil forces that were the reason record (CD) sales were falling. So, the big long arm of government, lobbied heavily by the music industry, stepped in and started taking 14-year-olds to court in order to scare everyone else. It worked.

Did CD sales pick up?

Of course not.

At any rate, I buy my music now on iTunes and I will no longer be part of the pinterest community. Big Brother is bigger and badder than ever.

And I'm just going to get on with my day.

1 comment:

  1. "the agreement I signed (which of course I didn't read - does anyone read these things?)"
    Ha. Reminds me of my favorite quote about the religious and their bible: They read the bible like a user agreement. Just scroll down to the bottom and click "accept".
