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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's time to say a few words about Kony.

I watched the 30-minute film. This was not news to me. I've been reading about the situation in Uganda for some time and read a book that was written by a former boy soldier - several years ago I interviewed the author. He had quite a story to tell.

What surprises me is the controversy Invisible Children has stirred up. It seems that everyone wants to heap criticism and downright vitriol on this organization. Why? Because they spend more money than they should on administration? Because their message has gone too viral? Because.....????

People are suspicious. They think there are ulterior motives here. This reminds me of the Greg Mortensen issue - the author of Three Cups of Tea and Stone for Schools. He suffered almost the same nonsensical attack. "Greg is not spending enough on the schools - he is spending too much on book tours and advertising himself."


Where is all the outrage when governments spend (waste?) billions (not mere thousands or millions) on items like fighter jets? Where is the outrage when the government sends an army into a country and slaughters civilians - not building schools but tearing them down? And let's not forget that when the government spends money it's your money. When a non-profit does it's only yours if you willingly donated.

Maybe it's true. Maybe these non-profits are spending too much on computers, cell phones and videos. But at least they are doing something constructive rather than destructive. If, at the very least, they are bringing awareness of injustices and atrocities to us in the "civilized" world, then hurrah! Money well spent!

When we choose to attack, let's remember who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

Kony bad

innocent children good

There are many. many more bad people in the world, some of them right here. Let's stop them. And while we're at it, let's forego the hubris of sending one more army out to get someone. Where there is injustice, let's send out the police. After all, that's what Interpol is for.

1 comment:

  1. Right on, Goody. I get so tired of the cynicism. There are good people in this world, people with clean motivations, no hidden agenda, just the desire to improve things. Let's cheer them on when they have some success.
