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Thursday, March 15, 2012

back to politics

I just can't help myself. I love politics. Well, love might be a strong word - having an abiding interest might be more apt.

I loved Philip Wolf's column in the Daily News today -

As I tweeted back to him - I couldn't have said it better myself.

Spending $140,000 for a spin doctor. Maybe these people need to learn how to write a memo. Sigh.

At any rate, inspired by Wolf and Michael Moore's recent tweets on what he would do if he was president, here's what I would do if I was on council.

1. Stop raising residential property taxes. Just say not. Kick the addiction! It's unsustainable. Simple math will tell you that if you increase taxes by 2, 3 or 4 percent each year, eventually your tax bill will look like a mortgage payment. We have a finite amount of money in the budget. Live within your means. I do. So does everyone else. Can you imagine deciding that you want a new car and telling your employer he has to give you a raise so that you can buy it? Huh?

2. Core review. Absolutely essential. Costs at city hall are rising ten times faster than the cost of living. No one can convince me that we need every high salaried position that's gobbling up money or every fancy work station or every other expense in the budget. We need a core review by an outside agency.

3.Communication. For god's sake folks. Have you heard of blogging? Tweeting? Facebook? Why was everyone so active during the election and then suddenly - next to nothing? How about a City Hall Blog? The mayor and every member of council has a page in that blog and writes on it every day. Let's hear what's happening in your world and your thoughts about what is happening. Really - it's not that hard.

4. As for economic development, land development , social issues, parks and recreation - give me some time to think on that. I've ranted enough for today.

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