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Monday, October 31, 2011

Back on the trail

I had a wonderful sunlit autumn walk on the back 40 with Abby this morning - a nice breather before getting back at it - so to speak.

Not only is the campaign running hot and heavy, but work also seems to be busy all of a sudden. And yes, I know I'm not working "full time" any more - but this week, you'd never know it.

Not that I'm complaining! I feel incredibly blessed to have all I do have - to do work that I enjoy and that I'm good at - to have people want my work. In today's world, these are blessings. As is the sun and the colour of the autumn leaves and the joy I experience walking with my dog.

The toughest part of this whole campaign deal is remembering everything - not just what's on my calendar but also on Jim's - and then reminding him. Whew!

I grilled him today on his position on jobs, the economy, transparency and so on - his answers (you'll have a chance to read them soon) made me so glad and proud that I am supporting him.

1 comment:

  1. Re-Tirement.... I can relate to that. 30 years ago, my co-workers at Green Thumb nursery teased me about "going into retirement", working for the City of Nanaimo. Now, after THAT very actrive "retirement" that lasted nearly 29 years, I am once again attempting this. We did buy a set of tires for our truck before we left. Now, I work seasonal at my "dream job" and have a big piece of my "bucket list" on the table in my homestead. HMMMMMM, I guess as "they" say, a change is as good as a rest.
