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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rainy Sunday

A mere half hour ago I was contemplating a rainy, lazy Sunday. I was wondering, what am I going to do this morning?

And let this be a warning to you - don't ask questions like this. The universe has a way of filling up spare time - especially if there is technology in the universe. I have spent 30 minutes trying to log into my blog.

It seems that ever since YouTube, Google and Yahoo got together, an evil beast has been unleashed - the beast of resetting passwords and/or email addresses and not letting you use anything that even vaguely resembles any information you have ever had - EVER - even if you had it in a previous life. It isn't good enough that I spent two hours last week resetting everything and then making notes of what everything was reset to - and of course every time the Google gods rejected my latest attempt and I tried again, they made me copy these squiggly numbers and letters that NO ONE can read anyway - so I had to attempt to copy them another half dozen times.

But I digress.

Last week I finally managed to break into my accounts. As an aside, the CIA may want to take notice - if they have Wikileaks problems, they only have to hire Google/Yahoo/YouTube to set up password/username requirements - problem solved!

Sorry - that was another digression. Back to this morning. Once again, Blogger refused to accept my email address, username or password, even though I had JUST reset them this week - and I have the notes to prove it. When I gave up and asked for help, I simply kept getting mail in my inbox telling me what usernames are associated with my account - usernames I dropped about 20 years ago. And nothing - not even a hint of what my password might be or why I am not allowed access to my account.

Finally after 30 minutes, during which time I barely resisted either breaking down into tears or throttling my computer, I logged back in again with my old email address and password. Viola and presto! Access!


So - here's the moral of this story. If you ever find yourself with a rainy few hours with time on your hands, just turn to your computer and tinker with your password - problem solved.

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