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Monday, October 24, 2011

A Bridge to Newcastle Island

I have to admit that when Jim Routledge first presented me with the idea of a bridge to Newcastle Island I was the tiniest bit skeptical. Sure, it would be nice - but how important is it?

I've had some time now to learn more, to think about it and to consider all the angles and, by George - I think he's right! (gad - I hate to admit that!)

First, yes it is an incredible treasure - it really is our "Stanley Park" - and we can't get to it! I mean how crazy is that? Can you imagine if you couldn't get to Stanley Park in Vancouver or High Park in Toronto or Central Park in New York. - What if the only access to Stanley Park was by a small foot passenger ferry that ran six months a year?

Then I thought about the economic impact and this is what won me over completely. In Nanaimo, we have a history of building infrastructure to accommodate people who come here and when we want to attract more people, we build more infrastructure. But isn't that putting the proverbial cart before the horse?

Shouldn't we have a reason for people to come here first? Example: Chemainus. One man (who was called crazy at the time) had this amazing idea of putting murals on all the buildings. Finally people listened and did it - and people came - that was followed B&B's, a theatre and a great new hotel.

Attractions first - then handle the influx of people and business.

Newcastle Island is a huge attraction. A pedestrian bridge makes sense on so many levels.

I'm for it!

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