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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

news - good and bad

I admit that I'm a bit of a news hound. I subscribe to the local paper and really look forward to my lunch break when I hunker down with a sandwich and the paper. I start with the bridge column, move on to the comics and then the editorial page - then on to page 1.

I read Yahoo News online as well as the WaPo, CNN and Politico. Occasionally I add Al Jazeera and the New York Times. The problem is that the vast majority of the news I get every day is bad. And not only from all these news sources but also passed on to me through Twitter and Facebook. It worries me. The latest is that our oceans are in terrible shape and nuclear power plants are about to melt down all over North America and the Harper Government is destroying the environment and.... well, you get the picture.

I want to focus on the positive because I know that when I focus on the negative, I'll get more of it - and that explains why the world is in so much trouble - it's all we focus on. At the same time, I don't want to be a Pollyanna. I want to be informed. And I want to focus on what is right and what I can do to make things better. This can be a challenge.

Do I read less news? That may well turn out to be the answer. At the very least I need to take a deep breath after reading the headlines and re-focus. It's a beautiful sunny day - and it's summer. There - that's better.

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