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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gratitude #51

Sometimes it's just enough to be busy.

The past two days have been hectic to say the least. It's one of those weeks with lots and lots of work. And then, there's nothing that beats the feeling of having it all done - to be followed on Friday by the excellent feeling of invoicing for the work done - to be subsequently followed by the even better feeling of receiving a cheque and depositing it to the bank account.

Yup - I am crass enough and material enough to enjoy all of these stages of work - in fact, I enjoy them so much that I can't see myself giving them up any time soon.

I sometimes wonder what the difference is between now and a year ago. I was working then and I'm working now but officially I retired last September. I suppose the real difference is that I can say no to work I don't want to do. There is tremendous freedom in that - or, I should say - autonomy. I thrive best when I am autonomous.

And so, life is good. I am spending more time in the garden where I am reaping heaps and heaps of lettuce and eating a bucket (literally) of it every other day - or even more often. I am also harvesting kale and chard and soon the peas will be ready. My strawberries are amazing. What a blessing to live where I do and to have this bounty right outside my front door.

I am so blessed.

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