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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gratitude #35

I'm grateful for small things.

Keep your monster trucks - I'd sooner have something, small, economical and maneuverable.

Keep your monster McMansions - give me a little bungalow where families actually run into each other and get in each other's ways now and then.

Why do we live in a society where bigger is better? Take flowers. I love wildflowers. The fields are a riot of nodding white daisy heads. Some years ago people began to hybridize daisies until they became the size and weight of dahlias. One heavy early summer rain and they're all decapitated on the ground. Not the wild ones - they dance on.

I admire the wildflower garden at Morrell Nature Sanctuary. It's full of ferns and daisies and coral bright wild columbine. I much prefer these delicate little columbines that never need watering or deadheading to the big hybridized version.

Why do we need to buy an entire bucket of popcorn at the theatre? I remember when I was a teen sharing what would now be called a midget bag of popcorn (the large size in those days) and it was perfectly adequate for two. And those monster sodas? How can a stomach even hold that much liquid and sugar? Obesity? Diabetes? Hello? Do you think there's a correlation?

So I'm all for the small. I'll take the small every time - flowers, cars, homes, portions - this has a wonderful effect on planet earth. When we think in terms of small consumption we leave a smaller footprint. Heck, we even start wearing a size small and that can't be all bad.

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