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Friday, February 3, 2012

Positive Focus

Today I am choosing to focus on politics in a positive way. It helps that it's Friday and that it's sunny and that with the arrival of February winter has done its worst (and it wasn't that bad).

I take heart from reading Justin Trudeau's tweets. The man has his head on right and seems to be very much in touch with the people. I would love to see him as leader of the Liberals.

I like that people everywhere are waking up and I see more and more evidence that we are making a difference. I honestly believe that we are going to win. When it comes to a battle between us and the corporations and corrupt politicians, we have the power. A general (could have been Patton) once said that it didn't matter who had the superior weapons, it was morale and the belief in a just cause that would determine the outcome.

I have faith. I see a bright, beautiful future. I plan to not only be a part of it but to help create it. My contribution may be small - I am only one person - but it is going to make all the difference because millions and billions of small contributions add up to an unstoppable force.

One of the most important things I can do to contribute is to live my life ethically and with due care for the environment - I can live with an open heart that cares for all living things. I can speak out when I witness injustice. I can reach out a helping hand. Most of all, I can control my attitude. I can always keep love, truth and justice in my heart and believe in my fellow human beings.

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