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Thursday, February 16, 2012

People Power

For years I felt helpless - as many people do in the face of big government and big corporations. What could one person (me) do?

Government raised taxes - nothing we could do. Government raised spending on the war machine - nothing we could do. Government gave tax breaks to oil company bajillionaires - nothing we could do.

And then a couple of years ago someone somewhere said "enough." I heard it and agreed. But what could I do? I did the only thing I could. I signed a petition. And - oh my gosh - something happened. We - the people - won. The HST was nixed. Then came the Occupy movement and there is every sign that Obama is listening. And now, the Tories are taking their Big Brother bill back to committee. Why? Because enough of us signed an online petition demanding it.

Yes - we have power. All we have to do is act. We don't even have to do something big. We don't have to pitch a tent in the square and brave the bitter cold for weeks on end. It took me less than 30 seconds to sign that last petition. But that little bit of time makes the difference between facism and democracy.

I have renewed hope and renewed faith - and a renewed commitment to be ever vigilant. We must never cease to be on guard for our country.

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