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Monday, February 20, 2012

Full Monday

I know I'm busy when I almost forget to blog.

But I like being busy. Not chaotically of course - I have a "sweet spot" of busy where it's just right. It's the kind of spot where, when things come my way, I can get them handled or scheduled quickly and efficiently. I can't bear loose ends at the end of the day.

So a good day - like today - is when I do the story I was scheduled to do first thing in the morning. Then manage to handle another unexpected one quickly before lunch time. Then two more that I am able to schedule for the next day with a bit of wiggle room for other things that might crop up.

Yup - that's a good day. Oh yes - what did I do this afternoon? I managed to edit two stories and handle the second half of a feature I had started on Friday. And I walked the dog.

This makes for a very good Monday.

Stop working and put my feet up in retirement? Who me? Nah - can't see it happening any time soon.

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