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Friday, November 11, 2011

If I were King (Queen?)

Did you ever play that game when you were a child (or an adult) - the "Here's what I would do if I ruled the world" game?

Today, after last night's really excellent candidates event at Beban Park, I played the "If I was running, here's what I would do/suggest/promise."

Of course, I'm not running, so this is just fun for me. What spurred on these thoughts were the words of one candidate (sorry - I can't remember who it was) who said he would bring some of VIU downtown and possibly house the art department in the conference centre. Well - that got me excited because I've had that same idea for ages and it was lovely to see it echoed - and then roundly applauded by those who were present.

Okay - so that's one of the things I would do - not give away our tax dollars to build a hotel - give our downtown white elephant to VIU - bring all that great young person energy downtown and take the empty lot behind the conference centre and make it a bus loop - maybe run a shuttle on weekdays between VIU and the loop.

What else? I've always thought that the waterfront lands south of the Port Place Mall were being completely inappropriately used. All that commercial activity really needs to go out to Duke Point. We have a new cruise ship terminal there - that needs to be expanded to include a multiplex (conference rooms) hotel, retail and some residential.

Ok - I know - who is going to pay for that? This is a game and money is no object - so there. However, it would certainly be something to aim for in a big picture plan.

I imagine with those two changes to downtown other changes would be quick to follow - investment, foot ferry and so on.

What do you think?

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