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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Middle Class

But enough about me. Today, there are myriad situations grabbing at and pleading for my attention - the disaster in Japan, the bloodshed in Libya, the revolution in the Middle East, starvation and genocide in Africa - I could make a pretty big list.

But what has my ear at the moment is Wisconsin where the middle class is fighting back. In a strange way I think the new Governor of the state (Walker) was a bit of a blessing. He brazenly and openly brought to light the war that has been fought underground for some time now - the war of the super rich against the middle class. The super rich, not elected governments, control the world. Walker and his henchmen - and his supporters and sponsors like the super rich Koch brothers - are doing their best to destroy the unions, the very foundation of the middle class.

No unions? Then perhaps we can all go back to six day work weeks and child labour. The good jobs are rapidly disappearing - outsourced to developing countries where the super rich multi national corporations can pay 50 cents or less per hour and not worry about benefits.

I can only hope that the massive rally taking place right now in Wisconsin actually makes a difference. Make no mistake, Harper is cut from the same cloth. It's not the Canadian government any more, it's the Harper government. The rich behemoths that are destroying northern Alberta and beyond are getting government subsidies - while you and I bear the tax burden.

The only thing that can change any of this is me and thee - just like the only thing that was able to change the tyrannical government in Egypt was the people - just like the only ones who could tear down the Berlin Wall were the people - if we want our freedoms and our democracy - if we want to rule ourselves and elect people with our interests in mind, then it is up to us - we have to make our voices heard - hurrah people of Wisconsin - thank you for showing us the way!

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