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Sunday, March 6, 2011


It's official: I am going to learn to ski on Thursday! And I am so excited. I don't fully understand where all the excitement comes from. I suspect most of it is because I am finally going to do something I have always wanted to do. I also suspect it's because it's something new - something I have never done before. I love newness. I love change! (which I suspect makes me substantially different from many people, especially in my age demographic.)

I want to keep growing and learning and having new adventures all my life.

I should have at least one great adventure each year.

And one interesting trip each year.

And one completely new learning experience each year.

And I should make one significant contribution to the planet each year.

I should be overwhelmed by love at least once each year.

I should laugh so hard at least once each year that I barely miss peeing my pants.

I think that's a good start for a rich, long life.

This week I get to have an adventure and do something brand new!

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