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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Old White Men

Last night we had the Canadian leaders debate - four old white men. Amazing!

Are we still so steeped in colonialism that we can't throw in more diversity than that? Oh - yes we could - but the CBC - also led by old white men - decided that the only female leader would not be allowed into the old men's club.

Why do we keep electing these people? Why does 41 percent of the population not vote? Okay - so that's a rhetorical question. But please, people, we get what we vote (or don't vote) for. Let's vote. Imagine if the 41 percent who don't vote all decided to vote Green? Wouldn't that be something?

I had an interview today with a young woman in Victoria who is a consultant - her job is to help small businesses succeed. Her vision is to create work places where people are happy to work because when they're happy they contribute and volunteer and this makes the world a better place.

Her ambition is to be premier of the province one day.

I'll help and support her any way I can.

And not only because she's not an old white man - although not being one helps.

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