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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back to Work

It is quite clear that the lazy days of last week are gone. Work assignments are coming in. Ah well, if I didn't have work to do, the days off wouldn't be nearly as sweet.

I am waiting for slightly warmer weather to put in my first seeds. I know peas and lettuce are fine in cool weather - but nights are darn cold and I'm going to trust my gardening instincts.

I love that I can grow much of my own food. Next year I may get even more ambitious and start raising my own cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts - the traditionally difficult crops. I may even dare to plant some tomatoes again and brave the threat of blight.

I just read somewhere that growing our own food is considered one of the most radical things we can do today. Really!? Well call me rad to the max. In fact, if this trend continues, I may just start walking everywhere - oh wait - I already do that.


  1. Put the tomatoes in pots on your deck. They will do wonderfully in that hot space. Use all fresh garden shop soil/compost. Blight is in the dirt and is activated when it rains. I bet you'll have fabulous tomatoes.

  2. Yes - I did that one year - might try it again - the first year the sun burned them to death - that is one hot deck.
