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Saturday, April 9, 2011


I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean 
I love the country but I can't stand the scene. 
And I'm neither left or right 
I'm just staying home tonight, 
getting lost in that hopeless little screen. 
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags 
that Time cannot decay, 
I'm junk but I'm still holding up 
this little wild bouquet: 
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. 

- Leonard Cohen

What happened to democracy?

Are you going to vote in the next federal election? I am. No matter how corrupted our democracy is - no matter how hopeless it all is, I still believe in the power of people's voices. And I will vote. I have yet to walk into a polling station and not shed a tear as I cast my vote. I feel so privileged to be part of this process.

That said, I understand the voters, particularly the young, who stay home and don't vote. They don't believe their voice makes a difference - and who can blame them? What proof do we have that the government is there to do the will of the people?

Harper is in contempt of Parliament - and still he is allowed to run. He says on national television that people don't care about the charges against him. Our elected leaders no longer do our bidding; they bow to the will of the lobbyists and the powerful corporations. While programs are cut and taxes go up for thee and me, the big oil companies are getting government handouts. While people lose their homes and take to the streets and soup kitchens, we  spend hundreds of millions of dollars on fighter jets - which will fly off and kill even poorer people in countries that have never harmed us.

Make no mistake - it's all about money. Greed is the new virtue. And it amazes me that people actually vote for politicians who want to be reverse Robin Hoods - cut corporate taxes - the private sector creates jobs - yes it does - in developing countries overseas where women and children get paid pennies per hour instead of union wages.

The mythical trickle down effect is just that - a myth. Studies going back sixty years show that trickle down economics is a story created by big business that has no basis in reality.

And yet - we must vote. But there is something we must do even more than that. We must begin to be outraged. I'll tell you, the day we start having pro-democracy rallies - the day we say, collectively, that we the people have had enough and that we're mad and we're not going to take it any more, I'll be there.

It's time to restore real democracy - where the people's voices are heard.

I'm voting Green.

And then I'm girding my loins.

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