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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quality part 2

Are some of us more attuned to quality than others? If so, do we demand greater quality?

That is as valid a question as, "Do some things have inherently greater quality?"

I don't pretend to know the answers.

I know that it is possible to create quality where none previously existed. Have you ever watched someone turn a barren patch of yard into a magnificent garden? Or a blank canvas into a great piece of art? Or flour eggs and sugar into a scrumptious cookie?

I believe we can also find quality in the everyday. If quality is indeed an event, we have the power to influence the experience (ours) of the event, either by altering it or experiencing it differently.

I have the power to make my life a quality life filled with quality experiences. Even a day like today, a normal ordinary day with three features to write and a French language class to attend - a winter day, chilly and filled with ice and snow, I can experience it as quality - to see the beauty in the landscape and bring my best to my writing and my studies.

And if I want to carry that thought farther, I can draw mindful breaths, as we do in yoga, and that has the effect of filling my lungs and body with quality.

Now what do you imagine I will attract into my life if I dedicate myself to creating a life of quality?

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