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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Be Here Now

I think it takes time to learn how to live in the moment. Children know how to do it - for a short time. I think that time is being cut down as we hurry our children through childhood and imbue them with our own ambitions for them.

So living in the present is something we have to re-learn - and, let me tell you, it's no easy task. If you say it's simple, then I hail you as the next Buddha.

Even during our minimal meditation period at the end of Yoga practice, my mind chatters like a Polar Bear swimmer's teeth on New Year's Day. Concentrate on the breath - this brings me back to the present - for a minute - and then I'm off again.

But (big but) I notice I am getting better at the general idea of present time. When I screw up I let it go more easily, rather than agonizing over it. Make the mistake, own up to it, make it right (as best I can) and move on.

I spend less time worrying about the future. In fact, I'm getting pretty good at this. The now is attractive. I love my life when I live in the now. What helps enormously is being out in the beauty of nature. When I'm hiking and marveling at the beauty around me ( and quite often gasping to catch my breath) I am in the moment. No wonder hiking is my favourite thing to do!

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