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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How did I get Here?

It's a question I ask now and then: how did I get here? Yes, I know about anatomy and biology so I do know about how my physical body popped into the world more than sixty years ago.

What I want to know is how did I get to be more than sixty years old? It seems impossible, looking back, that I was a teen-ager full of teen-age angst and stress. But I was. And that teen-ager still lives in this body and this morning I was suddenly and completely taken aback. I am retirement age! How did that happen?

When I was sixteen, I may have known in some weird disjointed fashion that I would probably arrive at this age some day - but it was far from a reality. Given some of my adventures (more to the point - misadventures) reaching my ripe old age was sometimes very much in doubt. But here I am and today it feels strange - almost unthinkable.

I was so young, so naive, so much a blank slate - the possibilities were almost infinite. And here is the life I chose and I am who I am and it amazes me.

This is not a bad thing - not by any stretch. It's just gobsmacking. That's all.

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