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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reverse Engineering My Life

Further thoughts on the stories I tell about my life - and the effect they have.

My results are directly related to the stories I tell. I if I tell "poor me" stories, I will be a victim. If I tell success stories, I will do well.

So really, If I want to change my life, I have to first determine the results I want (great relationship, success, wealth, health) and then tell the stories of my life that support those results.

I'm not talking about making things up and telling lies - that would never work. But I know that if I want a great relationship in my life, I can tell true stories that support the notion that I am deserving of and capable of sustaining and creating a fabulous relationship. Those are the stories that support me and the ones for me to focus on. I chose well when I married my first husband - he loved me with all his heart and we did well together for many years. The same is true of my second husband. As for love - I have known great love and passion. I have a splendid track record.

I have brilliant stories because I have led a brilliant life - so far - more to come.

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