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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Francaise! Oui!

Yesterday I had my first French lesson. So I walked into the room with five other people, all of whom had been through the first 47 chapters of the textbook together - and I came in on chapter 48 - declining irregular French verbs in the future tense!

Was I intimidated? Uh - your bet! But not for long, I am happy to report. I had such fun! My French comprehension is so much better than I thought it would be. My accent, on the other hand, leaves much to be desired. But I got it! And I am immensely proud that I was able to answer all the questions in French and even write three paragraphs on the charms of La Belle Provence, all using the future tense! Whew!

The hour and a half flew by and I was thrilled with the experience. But - yes, there's a but - homework. I did it - I completed it. But I admit that it was a bit tedious. I was trying to analyze why and I think it's that I have to write out the answers, which is such a slow process when the answers come into my mind so quickly. If I only had to think answer and sentences, I could get through the work in five minutes. But writing it all out takes at least half an hour or more.

Nevertheless, I am telling myself this is great practice and I shall persevere. I have also set myself the task of plowing through the first 47 chapters of the text book on my own. Not all before the next class, however. I do love the interaction of the teacher (who is a genuine hunk, by the way) and the students. I always find that so much learning occurs in that process.

So I love being a student and I hope/expect to see tons of progress. Yoga tonight. My life is rich and full and delicious. I was remarking to a friend the other day that I feel exactly as though I am falling in love. And I suppose I am - I am in love with my life.

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